
2013 favorites (picture heavy )

I know it’s a bit late for „2013 favorites post”, but it was very difficult to choose just one product in each category, then I had to do a bunch of photos and of course, to write something 🙂 But here it is: Am amanat postarea cu favoritele anului 2013 ceva vreme pentru ca mi-a fost foarte greu in primul rand sa aleg cate un produs din fiecare categorie, apoi pentru ca a trebuit sa…

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Romwe Beauty Deals!

When it comes to Romwe, do you only think of clothes? Actually, this year they launched many beauty items like makeup and nail art. As a girl, is it possible to live without makeup & cute accessories? Just fetch these hotties at their cheapest time 😛 > You find them here: http://www.romwe.com/manage_activity/Beauty-Deals/?dorina Only 72 hours!! Desi stiu ca multe dintre voi va ganditi la haine cand vedeti numele Romwe, de curand, pe site puteti gasi…

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Abbamart affordable makeup brushes (review)

We all know (or if you don’t know, you will find out 🙂 how important are makeup brushes for creating a nice makeup and you should never underestimate the value of great makeup brushes. We can apply foundation with the fingers and the eyeshadows with the sponge, but certain products (blush, bronzer, highlighter) cannot be applied without a good brush. Today I will show you a few essential brushes that you should use in order…

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Ofra Cosmetics: haul and review

De cele mai multe ori nu judec produsele dupa ambalaj si nu pun mare pret pe acest lucru, insa se intampla de multe ori „sa-mi ia ochii” cate un ambalaj colorat frumos sau, dimpotriva, unul negru si elegant. Asa s-a intamplat si cu produsele Ofra Cosmetics, de cand le-am vazut ambalajul classy prima oara m-am indragostit si mi-am facut sperante in legatura cu calitatea lor si speram sa nu fiu dezamagita dupa ce testez produsele.…

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NYX Concealer in a Jar review

Concealer-ul Above and Beyond Full Coverage de la NYX, mult mai cunoscut sub numele de Concealer in a jar il am de aproape un an cred, insa am tot uitat sa ii fac review pe blog. Mi-am amintit recent de asta cand am vazut in calculator fotografiile facute in urma cu ceva timp (la fel mi s-a intamplat si cu produsele de ingrijirea parului, insa sper sa fac si aceasta postare in curand). Mi-am luat…

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