
Our favorites Maybelline products

Daca ne urmariti blogul de ceva vreme, probabil stiti ca brandul nostru drugstore favorit este Maybelline. Primul nostru ruj a fost de la ei, faimosul Watershine Diamonds. Eram prin clasa saptea, dar ne aducem si acum aminte cum am strans o buna perioda de vreme bani si cat de fericite am fost cand ne-am luat minunatia roz 🙂 Da, era roz atat la exterior, cat si la interior. Se pare ca de atunci aveam o…

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I ❤ Drugstore Makeup Tag {video}

Buna, fetelor! Am facut si noi in sfarsit „I love drugustore makeup tag”, un tag foarte popular in blogosfera de la noi. L-am primit de la Stefania de la „In lumea Stefaniei„, careia ii multumim mult. Unul dintre avantajele blogging-ului e ca poti cunoaste persoane noi, pe care altfel nu ai fi avut oportunitatea sa le intalnesti. Acum am descoperit o bloggerita noua tare draguta, aflata la inceput, dar care promite mult 🙂 Am filmat…

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Cinderella inspired makeup with MAC Cosmetics

Who doesn’t love Cinderella? I love this story since I was a a little girl and I didn’t knew about movies. I still remember the Charles Perrault book from which our mum read to me and Cristina the Cinderella story and other wonderful tales. Later, I discovered the wonderful world of Disney and their extraordinary movies.  Last week, before the release of Cinderella movie, I was invited to MAC Cosmetics for a Cinderella inspired makeup.…

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L’oreal Paris Collection Exclusive Pure Reds {review}

We were so excited when L’Oréal Paris released their Collection Exclusive Pure Reds lipsticks and nail polish. They’ve designed a range of reds to complement all skin tones and they have matched up shades to celebrities of all skin tones to help you chose the best colour match. All you need to do is to choose which of the shades is right for you and go for the celebrity with the nearest skin tone. The…

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People will stare. Make it worth their while

One of the benefits of blogging is that you can meet great people and live new experiences in real life, not just online. Saturday I was model for a local makeup artist, Mihaela Oarna, at a workshop taught by the famous Einat Dan. Dorina came with me to take pictures 🙂 Honestly, at first I was a little hesitant because my skin is going through a bad period now, but I accepted because I always…

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