
Five Things You Need in Your Fall Makeup Bag

Every season, runway models flaunt the best of makeup artistry with bold and daring techniques, but like with the clothes, we do enjoy it when we spot a look that’s easy to recreate. From feathery brows to graphic liners, this year’s Fall/Winter Fashion Week impressed with the number of trends that could effortlessly be incorporated into our daily beauty regimen. To help you achieve the hottest makeup looks of the season, we’ve decided to compile…

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10 head-turning Tidestore coats for fall

Coat season is here, so maybe you’re wondering what to choose. Well, we noticed that this season the colored coats are in. The prevailing colors are red, camel, pink and mint. Of course that doesn’t mean black or gray coats from past seasons can’t be worn. But you can add a splash of color in your collection by choosing a bright color. So, no rules in mind and no restrictions when you go shopping for…

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Our favorite jackes for fall: TideStore trench coats

Whether we like it or not, fall is here and is time to think about the wardrobe for this season. The key piece for fall is trench coat, a classic chic item that every woman should have in their wardrobe because it never goes out of style. Also, the trench coat fits both casual and elegant outfits and can be worn both day and night. Recently we found out from the Internet that trench coat…

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Floral print dresses

Nu-i trend pe care sa-l iubesc mai mult decat imprimeul floral. De fapt, nici nu ma intereseaza daca e trend sau nu, ador hainele cu flori (ati vazut si pe placuta Nivea, nu? :P). De vreo doi ani cred ca am inceput sa dezvolt aceasta obsesie pasiune si sa imi cumpar haine inflorate. Imi plac bluzele, pantalonii scurti, tricourile, accesoriile, orice cu imprimeu floral, dar mai ales rochiile. Mi-as cumpara una in fiecare zi daca…

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Fashion spring trends

De cand a venit primavara, se pare ca nu doar natura s-a trezit la viata, ci si stilul 🙂 Din ce in ce mai multa lume imbracata colorat, asortata dragut cu piese care de care mai dichisite. Eu ador hainele colorate in orice anotimp, dar mai ales primavara si vara, pentru ca acum am si mai multe optiuni dintre care pot alege. Cateva din trendurile acestei primaveri: – imprimeul floral; – culorile pastel; – dungile;…

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