
Gusta viata zambind cu Danone (Ro only)

Danone a implinit zilele trecute 15 ani de cand e in Romania. Primele iaurturi Danone au fost produse la Bucuresti, pe data de 15 mai 1999, sub brandurile Natural și Delicios. Doar un an mai tarziu, Danone devenea lider de piata in categoria lactatelor proaspete, in Romania. Astazi, 1 din 2 iaurturi consumate in Romania este produs de Danone. Cu o expertiza internationala de aproape 100 de ani in producerea de iaurturi, lider mondial pe…

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Year of changes

On Jan.1 many of us make all kinds of promises that “starting tomorrow, things are going to be different.” Losing weight, exercising more and eating healthier are probably some of the most common New Year resolutions. I think most of us want this things, but when it comes to put in practice, things are a little harder. That happens in my case, too. Especially when it comes to exercise and sport. I’ve started eating healthier…

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