
oNecklace initial necklaces


Having an obsession with jewelry we always try to find the cutest designs. So, because fall came, we chose some shorter chains to go with blouses and sweaters- two custom models from oNecklace. These are not our first oNecklace necklaces, we have 6 other models from them. The first one was ordered 5 years ago and still looks impeccable, even we wear it quite often.

What we really like about oNecklace is that you can personalize both the medallion and the chain and choose the style, the length, and the clasp.

As we told you above, we chose some shorter chains to go with sweaters and opted for models with our initial. We were intrigued by how many different options of jewelry they had, it was very difficult to choose, but in the end Cristina chose an engraved star with initial, and Dorina a small initial.

The chains are gold plated and you can choose whether you want 24 k or 14k, gold or rose gold shade, but you can also opt for silver if you are not fan of gold jewelry.

Being so delicate, it goes with absolutely everything, so you can wear them no matter what style you have. On the oNecklace website you can find a lot of models to choose from and they also have bracelets, earrings and rings.

{RO}  Adoram accesoriile dragute cu care sa ne sa ne asortam tinutele si mereu suntem in cautare de unele noi. Astfel, pentru ca a venit toamna, ne-am gandit sa ne luam niste lanturi mai scurte care sa mearga cu bluze si pulovere. Am ales doua modele personalizate de la oNecklace, de la care mai avem cateva lanturi. Primele pe care le-am facut la ei pe site au mai bine de 5 ani si inca arata impecabil, le purtam in continuare destul de des.

Ce ne place foarte mult la oNecklace este faptul ca iti poti personaliza atat medalionul, cat si lanticul, sa alegi atat modelul, lungimea, cat si inchizatoarea.

Asa cum va spuneam mai sus, noi am ales niste lanturi mai scurte pentru a le purta cu pulovere si am optat pentru modele cu initiala. A fost foarte dificil sa alegm pentru ca au o multime de modele disponibile, insa, in cele din urma Cristina a optat pentru o stea cu C, iar Dorina pentru o initiala mica.

Lanturile sunt placate cu aur si puteti alege daca doriti 24 k sau 14k, nuanta gold sau rose gold, dar puteti opta si pentru argint, daca nu sunteti fani bijuterii aurite.

Fiind atat de finute, se asorteaza cu absolut orice, asa ca le puteti purta indiferent de stilul pe care il aveti.

Pe site gasiti o multime de modele din care sa alegeti si au de asemenea si bratari, cercei si inele.

custom necklace

one necklace review
one necklace star necklace
one necklace



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