The world comes to life and everything’s bright
From beginning to end when you have a friend by your side
That helps you to find the beauty you are
When you open your heart and believe in the gift of a friend
were nervous, we didn’t know what to expect or
if we have something in common.
meeting, but as we approached the appointed place, we feel a little
sorry that we had done that. She seemed a bit arrogant on her blog, but Gosh, she was so beautiful and stylish.
here we are, arriving a few minutes later and she was already there. She smiled and came to us: „Hi, I’m Julie. Glad to meet you.” After she said these words, the magic begun. She was very pleasant, friendly and at the same time seemed a little shy.
After we exchanged a few words, we felt like we know her since forever and we have a lot of things in common. We talked for hours about fashion,
about our favorite bloggers, about photography, makeup
and many others until we noticed that it’s dark outside: P
We parted
with the promise to meet again soon. We
didn’t know what impression we had made, but we know for sure that we
want to see her a second time, because we absolutely loved her.
like we got lucky and and she liked us: P
We began to meet frequently
and then to take photos together, she tolds us a lot of tips and tricks
about photography, because we have the same camera and
helped us with styling tips.
We will never forget that she was the one who
helped us to make our first blog project together. She was the makeup artist, the stylist, the photographer and she was enduring the cold weather with us. Since then we have done different projects together for our blogs.
Although recently turned a year since we know, we feel like we know Julie since forever. We
didn’t fight even once since we know, although I’m sure that sometimes we gave her reasons: P
The fact that we have blogs have not separated us, but bring us together, we support each other and we want to „grow” our online projects together. Her joy is our joy, her achievements make our day beautiful and
when she’s sad, we are sorry as one of us would face trouble.
We were asked at a event if we are sisters all three and from then we always joke that we are step sisters.
I never thought there is someone to love pink so much. I
must admit that although I love this color, I was a little embarrassed to wear pink accessories, pink clothes or bags because I was afraid to not be called „Kitsch Barbie” or other stupid nickname. That
is, until I met Julie, who not only made me love pink even more, but
gave me the confidence to proudly wear this color and don’t care
about what other think.
I discovered
Julie when Dorina showed me The Lovely Darlings blog and she kept telling me the girls were very nice and I
should check the blog too. I was surprised when I saw the girls, I
was impressed by Julie, she seemed like an international fashion blogger, with a unique style. I really liked Julie from the beginning, she seemed very
intelligent, classy and beautiful and I was amazed when I discovered
that we have the same tastes in terms of blogs. At one point even saying that I don’t really like X … and Julie complete my sentences in an instant and vice versa.
We prepare a surprise together and hope you will like it 🙂
You can check Julie’s blog-Pink Wish- here.
Daca primul machiaj nu a fost pe placul nostru (pentru ca am rugat-o sa ne machieze colorat si intens, fara sa ne dam seama ca noi nu suntem obisnuite cu asa ceva :P), acum abia asteptam fiecare ocazie de a ne lasa pe mana lui Julie pentru ca ne rasfata si ne face sa ne simtim ca niste dive, deja cunoscand ce ni se potriveste.
Mi-a placut foarte mult de Julie inca de la inceput, mi s-a parut foarte inteligenta, stilata si frumoasa si am ramas uimita cand am descoperit ca avem aceleasi gusturi si in materie de bloguri. La un moment dat chiar spuneam ca nu prea imi place X pentru ca… si Julie completa instant propozita mea si invers.
Acest cantec reprezinta perfect sentimentele pe care le avem fata de Julie si sunt convinsa ca daca il veti asculta veti regasi si voi fragmente care exprima ce simtiti pentru prietena voastra cea mai buna:
Our first photo together |
In curand va pregatim o mare surpriza impreuna si speram sa va placa 🙂
Nu uitati sa vizitati blogul lui Julie, Pink Wish, cu siguranta o sa va placa.
Foarte frumoasa postarea, intr-adevar Julie este o prietena minunata!!
Hi, hi ce postare frumoasa <3
Asta e unul din putinele momente in care regret ca nu locuiesc in Bucuresti ^_^
Imi e tare draga prietenia voastra si imi place sa vad ca pasiunea asta pentru tot ce tine de lumea modei uneste oameni care in prima faza pot parea atat de diferiti.
Abia astept sa vad si restul proiectelor pe care le pregatiti!
Happy 1 year anniversary, girls! ^_^ <3
Weekend frumos :* :* :*
Ne bucuram mult ca ti-a placut postarea!
Cu siguranta daca ai sta in Bucuresti ne-am intelege toate super bine si am iesi mereu! ^_^
O sa urmeze ceva dragut in curand 😀
Ce frumos ati scris!♥
Multumim! ^_^
sunteti niste frumoase <3 asta da prietenie !
Multumim frumos! :*
Oh ce surpriza frumoasa mi-ati facut, fetitelor!
Ma bucur asa mult ca ne-am cunoscut, sunteti chiar minunate!
Nu pot sa cred ca ati crezut ca sunt aroganta, nu m-am imaginat niciodata asa, cred ca eu stiu prea bine cum sunt si nu imi dau seama ca as putea parea altfel.
Voi ati fost exact asa cum mi-am imaginat, foarte dulci si scumpe!
Nu pot sa cred ca deja a trecut un an dar in acelasi timp simt ca ne cunoastem de o viata!
Va iubiiii! <3
Multumim, Olivia!
vaai ce cute sunteti! e o idee superba sa faceti poze impreauna, si intotdeauna proiectele voastre sunt preferatele mele! btw, prima postare impreauna eeeee suuper!! 🙂 abia astept sa ne facem si noi poze in 4-5 😀 sisters power :))
ChocolateFashionCoffee Facebook Page
ChocolateFashionCoffee INSTAGRAM!!!
Multumim mult de tot!
Ne bucuram sa auzim asta! ^_
si noi abia asteptam, suna tare bine 😀
Ce postare draguta :X Ar trebui va vedeti si cu mine intr-o zi :)) La Digital Divas nu am apucat sa stam mai deloc de vorba 🙁 :*:*
Multumim Adina!
E o idee tare buna, o sa o punem in aplicare 🙂
Ce dragut, foarte frumoasa postarea voastra !<3<3
Multumim Mara! :*