
The gift of a friend

The world comes to life and everything’s bright From beginning to end when you have a friend by your side That helps you to find the beauty you are When you open your heart and believe in the gift of a friend  {Demi Lovato – Gift Of A Friend} A year ago we met her for the first time. We were nervous, we didn’t know what to expect or if we have something in common.…

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Road trip {Sibiu}

If you ever come in Romania, you really need to visit Sibiu, one of the most important cultural centers of Romania. The streets are long and narrow with small city squares at places. The architecture is rather rustic, but Sibiu features a parade of architectural styles. You must visit the Large Square, the Council Tower, the Bridge of Lies, the Brukenthal Museum, Evangelical Church and all the monuments in this area. On Friday we had…

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Merry Christmas! Special Greeting cards with us

Merry Christmas! We wish you a wonderful day with the ones you love! Love, joy and peace are the ingredients for a wonderful Christmas. We hope you find them all festive season. The spirit of Christmas should not be just for one day, but for the whole year! Even if you don’t get what you want from Santa, remember that material things are not the most important, but love, laugh, harmony and peace are the…

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Romwe leggings flash sale

I know that many of you love the Romwe leggings, so I have some good news for you. Now you can make your print come true! Here are so many new print leggings, like tiger, strips etc. Go to find your right one here! [RO]: Stiu ca sunt multe fane printre voi ale colantilor de la Romwe, asa ca vin cu vesti bune pentru voi. Cei de la Romwe au adus modele noi de colanti,…

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Join Romwe Official Fashion Bloggers in 2013 & Black Friday Sale

Romwe are un concurs foarte interesant pentru bloggeri, unde puteti castiga vouchere de cumparaturi valabile la ei pe site, dar si sansa de a fi unul dintre blogerii lor oficiali. Fiecare blogger inscris primeste un cupon de 30$ pentru cumapraturi pe site-ul Romwe, iar trei bloggeri vor primi cate 100$. Pentru a participa trebuie doar sa aveti un blog de fashion a carui pagina de Facebook sa aiba peste 2000 de fani. Trebuie sa va…

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