
Flared Looks to Make You Ditch Your Skinny Jeans

Skinny jeans have been all the rage for several years now in the fashion world. While they remain very popular, a new trend is making the skinny jeans take a backseat for the moment. Women today are trending towards more of a retro style when it comes to the jeans that they wear. The flared jeans is more popular than it has been in several years as people return to the look of the 1970s.…

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The Diversity of Weddings in London

Planning to visit London for a wedding? There is an abundance of wedding venues in Heathrow and Middlesex that become widely popular during spring and summer, which is the most loved wedding season in London. When the long and cold winter finally draws to close, wedding venues in Middlesex and Heathrow start bustling with activity. According to All in London, on an average, the expenditure on weddings is 15% more in London than in other…

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Nootropics Review

The discovery of nootropic substances has led to advances in the ability to enhance memory, focus, and cognition. Nootropics are supplements, nutrients, and smart drugs that provide improvements to attention, working memory, and other aspects of mental function.   Advantages of Memory Enhancement   People seek to improve working memory, focus, and concentration for many reasons. College students use these products to enhance performance at school. Executives use them to sharpen their focus at work. Those with…

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How to change your Facebook Page Name After 200 Likes

If you follow us on Facebook, you’ve probably seen that we finally managed to change our page name after years of trying. I created our Facebook page 4 years ago, in April 2011, while the blog was still on blogspot, so I’ve copied the blog URL: anotherside-dorina.blogspot.com and that was the name of our page. Not the best decision, because soon Cristina started to write on the blog with me and and later we’ve bought…

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„Me time” tag (Ro only)

Pentru ca am avut parte de un weekend prelungit saptamana aceasta si am avut mai mult timp liber la dispozitie, ne-am gandit ca e momentul perfect sa facem tag-ul primit de la Anda in care sa va povestim cum ne „rasfatam” in timpul alocat doar noua. Multumim Anda pentru tag! :* 1. La ce va uitati sau ce cititi? De obicei ne place sa citim cand avem mai mult timp liber, adica in weekend pentru…

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