
Weekend post: Enjoy the simple things

We changed a little bit our editorial calendar, so today you will not see a weekend outfit, but a different post. Based on the messages printed on our T-shirts, we will show you some simple things that make us happy. This is the third time we created custom T-shirts on HiCustom website, we already know how to do it and we think that this time they came out perfect. Dorina chose a message to express…

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Fashion is our passion

We always liked message T-shirts: either funny, inspirational or representative quotes. They say something about the person who wear them and offers a touch of individuality. We like so much custom tees that a few years ago we wanted to create a collection with fashion inspired messages. So you can imagine our joy when hicustom.net invited us to create our own shirts. It’s very simple- you choose a simple tee and then you add your…

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OOTD: The best thing you can wear is your smile

Cred ca una din principalele mele calitati e optimismul. Aproape intotdeauna, indiferent de situatie, rad, glumesc si sunt pozitiva. Chiar daca ma supar, peste cateva minute imi trece si incep din nou sa ma amuz. Consider ca e foarte important sa fii degajat, sa nu iei in seama toate nimicurile din jur si sa te stresezi din orice. Cei de la Tshirt Factory au fost extrem de draguti si m-au ajutat sa-mi transfer optimismul in…

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