
What to wear this festive season

December is all about party dressing. This is my guide for styling the perfect look for Christmas and New Year’s Eve. Every woman deserves to shine every day, but especially on Holidays. Wear special and dressy outfits, regardless of the location where you chose to spend these special days! Whether you chose lace, leather, sequins or silk, the New Year’s Eve outfit should be one that will make you feel confident, beautiful and sexy, but…

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Propuneri de tinute festive pentru Revelion (Ro only)

Sarbatorile se apropie cu pasi repezi si suntem sigure ca majoritatea va doriti sa va cumparati tinute festive, fie pentru voi, fie sa le faceti cadou celor dragi, asa ca astazi avem cateva sugestii pentru voi. Fashion Tribes a pregatit deja colectiile pentru momementele de sarbatoare de la sfarsitul acestui an. Pe site gasim colecții ce cuprind cadouri pentru toti cei dragi: haine, incaltaminte si accesorii la preturi accesibile atat pentru femei, cat si pentru…

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