
NIVEA Hairmilk

  We are reticent when it comes to try new hair care products because we have a very sensitive scalp. However, we couldn’t resist trying the new NIVEA Hairmilk range, so we said yes to NIVEA invitation and we attend the Pop Up Hair Salon event. It wasn’t just an opportunity to try the new NIVEA products, but a real pampering session. NIVEA hair stylists did a great job and our hair was fabulous at…

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NYX a deschis primul magazin din Romania, la Constanta

NYX s-a lansat oficial si in Romania, la Constanta, in City Park Mall. Daca ne urmariti pe retelele de socializare, probabil stiti deja ca am avut placerea de a participa la inaugurarea pentru presa&bloggeri din data de 2 iunie. Am pornit dis de dimineata din Bucuresti impreuna cu alti bloggeri entuziasti si cativa make-up artisti talentati  spre Constanta. A fost primul nostru press trip, iar atmosfera a fost una foarte frumoasa. Am ras, am ascultat…

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L’Oreal Paris news

  We are so happy that some of the long-awaited L’Oréal Paris products were launched in Romania last week. Also, L’Oréal Paris has a new national make-up artist- Andra Manea, a talented makeup artist who has more than 10 years of experience. We are extremely happy for Andra because we are big fans and we really appreciate her work. Andra is not only professional, but it’s a very warm person, modest and positive. If you…

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Benefit Brow Collection- It’s a kind of magic

As you may have seen on tons of Instagram profiles, ours included: Dorina and Cristina, Benefit Cosmetics launched Benefit Brow Collection, a fabulous and magic line for perfect eyebrows. We can’t describe how excited we were for the Romanian launch event after watching on YouTube and Insta what happened to the special beauty convention in Las Vegas. Lately we have started to use the eyebrow products and we saw what difference can make a good…

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Yves Rocher Plaisirs Nature

For us Yves Rocher means pampering and delicious flavors. Every time we try their body care products we are impressed by their amazing smell and creamy textures. Yves Rocher surprises us again with the recently launched range Plaisirs Nature, a complete range consisting of over 50 exceptional products.  All Plaisirs Nature shower gels contain 97% ingredients of natural origin.   In this range you will find extremely varied flavors, so it fits anyone no matter…

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