
Gama Apidermin Lejer de la Complex Apicol (review)

Cu aproximativ o luna in urma am introdus o noua gama in rutina de ingrijire a tenului: Apidermin Lejer de la Complex Apicol Veceslav Harnaj. Astazi vrem sa va vorbim putin despre aceste produse romanesti care s-au schimbat destul de mult de cand nu le-am mai folosit. Cred ca multe dintre voi atunci cand auziti de Apidermin va ganditi la crema grasa, deja faimoasa, care hidrata foarte bine, insa intra destul de greu in piele.…

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Winter essentials

We all need to take special care of our skin during the cold winter months. My skin is normal/dry, so I require special attention care and I use a lot of products to help my skin to look better. So here are my favorite products for the cold season: Iarna, mai mult ca oricand, pielea noastra are nevoie de o ingrijire mai speciala si de multa, multa hidratare. Tenul meu e unul normal/uscat, iar iarna…

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Review Nivea Aqua Effect Cleansing Mousse (sensitive skin)

[EN]: As my sister told you in the „July Favorites” post, we discovered a great face cleanser, which is perfect for summer: Nivea Aqua Effect Soothing Cleansing Mousse for sensitive and dry skin. Even if I was skeptical at first, because I saw that contains benzyl alcohol and perfume (you can see the ingredients in the photo below), it has proved to be a very good product.  Nivea Aqua Effect Cleansing Mousse it comes in…

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Sun protection products from Eucerin (review)

[EN]:  I love heat, but not the sun, which I consider the number 1 enemy of my skin. That’s why I’m a SPF freak 🙂 Some people (including my friends) believe that SPF products are only for the beach, but sun exposure adds up day after day and the results (in many cases) cannot be seen now, but in a few years. Today I will review my latest finds with SPF, which are both from…

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Lotiune micelara si Sebium Pore Refiner de la Bioderma

Bioderma e unul dintre brandurile mele preferate, deoarece majoritatea produselor sunt bine formulate si sunt disponibile pentru toate tipurile de ten si pentru problemele lor (pori mariti, acnee, piele sensbila, atopica etc) Astazi o sa va vorbesc despre demachiantul meu favorit: lotiunea micelara Bioderma si despre crema Sebium Pore Refiner. Lotiunea micelara Sensibio H2O am descoperit-o in urma cu o jumatate de an cred si de atunci e nelipsita din rutina mea zilnica. Pana acum…

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