
Summer Well 2019

Desi au trecut mai bine de doua saptamani de cand s-a incheiat, nu puteam sa nu postam despre Summer Well, mai ales ca e deja al patrulea an consecutiv in care mergem la acest festival. De altfel, e primul festival la care am participat vreodata si ne e cel mai drag dintre toate, ne simtim extrem de bine de fiecare data cand revenim pe domeniul Stirbey. Si anul acesta festivalul a debutat cu Night Picnic,…

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AFTERHILLS #Dreamers2018 music festival

  Muzica buna, oameni frumosi, apusuri minunate si multe emotii pozitive- asa a inceput vara asta pentru noi. Intr-un cuvant: AFTERHILLS. Desi AFTERHILLS se afla la a doua editie anul acesta, pentru noi a fost prima la care am participat si a fost si primul festival din afara Bucurestiului la care mergem. Partenere in aventura AFTERHILLS #dreamers2018 de la Iasi ne-au fost Ramo si Simy de la Surorile Calatoare, pe care probabil deja le stiti…

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Summer Well – a festival like a holiday

  Summer Well 2016 was our first music festival and we told you in this post how much we liked it. This year we attended the festival again and we will repeat this experience for many years to come because we love good music, the festival atmosphere and the beautiful people gathered here. „A festival like a vacation” is the motto of the Summer Well and although is just near Bucharest, it makes you feel…

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Festival vibes {Summer Well}

  I believe music is the key to the soul and life is better barefoot. Take a step outside and dance in the rain.   I dream to attend Coachella one day but until then I decided to go to Summer Well, a local festival that take place in one of the most beautiful and well-preserved aristocratic domains around Bucharest called Stirbey Palace. The atmosphere was incredible and fashion wise- I saw so, so many…

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