
OOTD: Funky hats and oversized sunglasses

Even if in Romania the winter comes into its own, I still don’t give up and I will show you a fall or rather spring outfit 😛 I wanted for so long a denim jacket like this and when I finally found it, I can not wear with dresses (as I planned) because the winter is here. Anyway it will wait until spring in my wardrobe, when I can wear it in various combinations. The…

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4 ways to wear it: Ivory lace dress

Imi doream de mult timp o rochie alba de dantela si deja imi faceam scenarii in minte cu ce as asorta-o. Acum vreo luna-doua am gasit o rochie in genul celei pe care o visam eu pe Romwe, dar cand am primit-o am observat ca nu era alba, ci crem. Imi place mult chiar si asa, pentru ca ii da un aer vintage, o face si mai romantica. E o piesa extrem de versatila, care…

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