

  AnotherSide of Me turns nine! We still can’t believe this! Looking back on our old posts, we can see that so much has changed but somehow we are still the same. We still remember that we were afraid of what people would think if we started a blog. Actually, Dorina wanted to start the blog 1-2 years earlier, but she was terrified of sharing her inner thoughts and even more terrified sharing photos of…

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8 years of blogging

  8 years of blogging have passed in a blink of an eye! We know it sounds cliché, but it’s so true. We remember exactly the way we started to take photos for the blog in our dorm room and how much we struggled to find a proper background or at least something that seemed ok then- now if we look back, we are terrified 🙂 But it’s ok, we all started somewhere, the most…

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7 years of blogging. 7 lessons ❤

2009, July 20– we published our first post on this blog.  It seems like an eternity has passed since then. Meanwhile we have written nearly 1,000 posts, we’ve taken thousands of pictures (maybe tens of thousands), we’ve met dozens of people or hundreds if we count on those we only know online, we worked with hundreds of brands and  hundreds of thousands of people read what we wrote in all those years. Beyond figures and…

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Happy B-day AnotherSide of Me! {6 years of blogging}

6 years of blogging! It seems like only yesterday we started writing, we wrote the first review, then the first outfit, then came the first collaborations, the first events in offline and first face to face meetings with other bloggers. We had no idea what we were doing but we did it because we enjoyed it. Year after year our project became more beautiful, we started to get involved more, to put more soul into what…

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5 years of AnotherSide Of Me { part II }

Thank you for your beautiful thoughts on the first part of this post. We can’t believe that we celebrate five years of blogging and 2 ½ years since we decided to post outfits. Here is the first outfit post. The truth is we have always been passionate about fashion, but we were afraid to expose ourselves online. Especially Cristina: P We all know that online are many mischievous people (we don’t use the term hater…

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