
Giethoorn-a fairytale village in the Netherlands

  Most tourists visit the Netherlands for Amsterdam, tulips, windmills or weed, but few are those who know that this country has one of the most beautiful villages in the world. Known as "Venice of the Netherlands" or "Little Venice of the North", Giethoorn is a fairy tale village. We found out about Giethoorn for years, we had it on our bucket list...

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Unde si cand gasesti lalele in Olanda

Primul lucru care iti vine in minte atunci cand te gandesti la Olanda sunt lalele, daca esti femeie si, daca esti barbat, probabil mintea iti zboara la iarba sau Red District 🙂 Cu toate ca Olanda e faimoasa pentru aceste flori, stiati ca lalelele nu sunt originare din aceasta tara?  Termenul de „tulipa” (latina) se trage din turcescul „tulbend” (turban) cu care floarea se aseamana, iar primele culturi de lalele au aparut in anii 1500…

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