How to take a mini-vacation in August and enjoy the time off resting but also re-energizing, eating delicious food and listening to good music? The answer is simple: go to Summer Well, „the festival like a holiday”!
Although it’s only a stone’s throw from Bucharest and last only 3 days it gives you energy and leaves you with memories for a year, until the next edition.
Summer Well has already become a tradition for us, it is the third year we attend the festival ( you can read the blog posts here: 2016 and 2017) and surely many years will follow. Not only that we felt amazing at the concerts but we discovered some bands that are on repeat in our playlists, like Hurts, our favorite band and many super cool artists.
One thing that we really like and it makes Summer Well unique is Friday’s night picnic called Night Picnic. It is the second year when, at 21:00, the Bucharest Symphony Orchestra starts the show. And what a show! As we mentioned, there is music for all tastes. The most popular songs of the invited artists at the festival are reinterpreted by the orchestra, which seems a great idea to popularize classical music and prove that it’s not boring as you might think.
The Kodaline concert was the one that we were expecting the most, but unfortunately, they had some problems with the sound and although they are very talented, the show was not so great. However, that organizers have launched confetti and it was a wonderful moment that we managed to capture in a few shots as you can see below. We also liked The Kooks, Isaac Gracie and Sofi Tukker (although the music of Sofi Tukker is not really our piece of cake, their concert was the most exhilarating, we don’t even remember since we danced so) .
Bastille were the headliners but besides „Pompeii” we hardly knew any songs from them, but they had a impressive show and the highlight moment was when Dan Smith, the vocalist, stepped off the stage and began to run through the crowd. It is also one of the few artists we heard saying so many Romanian words. The coolest moment was when he said „I’m sorry but my Romanian is shitty” with a strong accent which aroused so many laughs in the audience.
Food trucks & Sponsors
This year there were so many food trucks at Summer Well, almost double than the previous year. From burgers to pasta to Asian food, Indian and even Columbian (we discovered Arepas) plus more or less traditional desserts, you had so many options, including vegan dishes, which is a big, big plus.
This year we arrived at the festival a few hours before the concerts to have enough time to visit all the sponsors stands and try various activities, and of course, to take photos in the pretty Instagramable corners.
We really enjoyed this edition of Summer Well- good music, positive energy, joy and wonderful moments spent with friends. Also, we experienced something new with our looks: Dorina used Colorista spray and dyed her hair pink and she wore boots during summer for the first time.
We were twinning again: in the first day we wore super feminine dresses from VIP SHOP (use Dorina1039 code for $5 discount on orders over $50), and the next day boho-casual outfits- denim shorts and trainers.
Do you like music festivals?
Cum poti avea parte de o mini-vacanta in luna august in care sa beneficiezi si de distractie, dar si de relaxare, de mancare buna, activitati distractive si mai ales de muzica pe toate gusturile? Mergi la Summer Well.
Nu degeaba Summer Well are sloganul „a festival like a holiday”. Desi e doar la o aruncatura de bat de Bucuresti si dureaza 3 zile iti ofera energie, buna dispozitie si multe amintiri frumoase care sa te tina cel putin un an, pana la urmatoare editie. La noi a devenit deja traditie, e al treilea an de cand mergem la acest festival (postarile din 2016 si 2017) si cu siguranta vor mai urma multi altii.
Nu suntem genul de persoane care se exteriorizeaza prea des in public, insa la Summer Well, eliberam toata energia si topaim cat ne tin picioarele, mai ales ca am avut si un partener de nadejde in persoana lui Rux, care si-a ratat cariera de MC 🙂 Nu doar ca ne simtim bine la concerte, dar am descoperit formatii care nu o sa mai iasa din playlist-ul nostru prea curand. La Summer Well am descoperit si formatia noastra favorita, Hurts, dar si multi alti artisti super cool.
Muzica de la Summer Well
Un lucru care ne place super mult la Summer Well e seara de vineri, numita Night Picnic. E deja al doilea an cand, de la ora 21:00, incepe spectacolul oferit de Orchestra Simfonica Bucuresti. Nu v-am zis ca exista muzica pentru toate gusturile? 🙂 Melodiile populare ale artistilor invitati la festival sunt reinterpretate de orchestra simfonica, ceea ce ni se pare o super idee de a populariza muzica clasica si a dovedi ca nu e deloc plictisitor si sobru acest gen.
In ceea ce priveste artistii de la Summer Well 2018 ne-au placut aproape toti. Cel mai tare asteptam concertul celor de la Kodaline, insa din pacate, partea tehnica nu a fost stralucita, au avut probleme cu sonorizarea si desi sunt extrem de talentati, show-ul nu a fost chiar pe masura asteptarilor noastre. A compensat totusi faptul ca au organizatorii au lansat confetti, a fost un moment minunat pe care am reusit sa il surprindem si in cateva fotografii.
Ne-au mai placut mult The Kooks, Isaac Gracie si Sofi Tukker (desi muzica celor de la Sofi Tukker nu prea e pe gustul nostru, concertul lor a fost cel mai antrenant, nici nu mai tinem minte de cand nu am mai dansat asa).
Capul de afis la Summer Well au fost insa Bastille, cei care au si inchis festivalul. In afara de „Pompeii” nu prea stiam cantece de la ei, insa au avut un show super tare iar highlight-ul a fost momentul cand Dan Smith, solistul formatiei, a coborat de pe scena si a inceput sa alerge prin multime de unul singur. De asemenea, e unul dintre putinii artisti pe care i-am auzit sa stie atatea cuvinte in romana. Cel mai tare a fost cand a spus “Imi pare rau, dar romana mea e varza” cu un accent tare simpatic ce a starnit hohote de ras in public.
Food trucks & sponsors la Summer Well
Anul acesta au fost prezente extrem de multe camionete cu mancare la Summer Well, aproape dublu fata de anul trecut. De la burgeri la paste, la mancare asiatica, indiana si chiar columbiana (am descoperit arepas) plus multe deserturi clasice sau mai putin clasice, aveai de unde alege, inclusiv feluri vegane, ceea ce e un mare, mare plus.
Anul acesta am ajuns la festival cu cateva ore inainte de inceperea concertelor pentru a avea timp suficient sa ne plimbam pe la toate standurile sponsorilor si a incerca diversele activitati, dar si a ne face poze in diverse colturi instagramabile. Preferatele noastre au fost Nivea, Limonada lui Iulian, Mega Image, dar si multe alte rulote colorate.
Noua ne-a placut extrem de mult editia asta de Summer Well, am avut parte de muzica buna, energie pozitiva, veselie, momente minunate petrecute cu prietenii; am experimentat lucruri noi si in ceea ce priveste look-urile noastre- Dorina si-a colorat pentru prima oara parul roz (cu spray-ul Colorista de la L’oreal Paris), a purtat prima oara bocanci vara si am mers din nou pe twinning- in prima zi am purtat rochii super feminine de la VIP SHOP (puteti folosi codul Dorina1039 pentru reducere de $5 la comenzile de peste $50), iar in a doua zi ceva mai boho-casual- jeansi scurti si incaltaminte sport.
Voi ati fost la Summer Well anul acesta?
1. Simy si Ramo de la Surorile Calatoare; 2. Rux care e fanul nr.1 al festivalului si ne-a realizat si coafurile de festival; 3. our bestie Julie de la Pink Wish ; 4. Ana, care prepara limonada delicioasa pentru cauze nobile;
Dorina: White dress; Boots: Salamander;
Cristina: Floral Dress; Shoes: Vans;
{use Dorina1039 to get $5 OFF on Orders Over $50}
Second day:
Dorina: Blouse: Dresslily; Shorts: C&A; Shoes: Keds;
Cristina: Shorts & top: C&A; Shoes: Adidas Stan Smith
Imi plac taaaare mult pozele!!! Sunt superbe!!! Mi-as dori sa ajung la astfel de concerte pentru amintiri…pentru atmosfera! Poate anul viitor am sa acord o atentie mai mare si poate am sa fiu pe faza pentru bilete.
Misto tinute, machiajele, coafurile!!! Super, super! Va pup!
Multumim mult, Lory! <3
Daa, chiar merita sa mergi o data, macar pentru experienta, e super fain! 🙂
Loooove love love your outfits! Si va sta asa de bine cu parul prins asa!
Pupici, Andra
Multumim, ne bucuram mult ca iti plac look-urile noastre. Te pupam! :*