It’s not about having the skill to do something. It’s about having the will, desire & commitment to be your best.
Although today is Friday and you probably think at weekend our today’s post is about work and determination. We are sure that sometimes you wonder how X obtained a certain position or how he get noticed in his field of activity, although is not so good, you are much better than him or you know for sure a friend that deserved more to be there because it’s talented. The answer is simple: through hard work. Never mind that you are smarter, you have more talent, more studies or you are more charismatic, all that matters is to work to get what you want. Whether you are a singer, painter, athlete, blogger, model, teacher, actor, doctor or whatever it takes hard work to achieve your goals and eventually your dream. Every day you have to try to be better than yesterday and you should only compete with one person: yourself.
Talent doesn’t mean much without work. You’ve probably seen (whether you are a sport fan or not), that Roger Federer became number one in the ATP rankings at 36 years old. Nobody can deny that Federer has talent, some consider him the most talented player of all time, but it was not enough to become number one in all these years (since 2012). Then how he become the new No. 1 again? He admitted that when he made that break for more than half a year has trained more than ever and now he no longer plays in tournaments where he doens’t have enough time to train. After so many years in the circuit, after many thousands of hours of training at this age, Federer works harder than ever not to defeat their opponents in the circuit, but to become the best version of himself. For us it was and will always be an example of determination, a model that we look up to and we admire.
You might wonder why we started to talk about work vs. talent. The Qreator by IQOS creative space where we took these photos „getting into different roles” made us think about the role of talent in arts, where is considered the most important. We are convinced that talent is not enough and most certainly you know examples of less talented musicians or actors who became famous because they have persevered and worked hard for their dream.
Remember that talent is only a starting point, but you must work in order to succeed.
Desi azi e vineri si probabil toti ne gandim deja la weekend si la relaxare, postarea de azi e despre munca si determinare.
Suntem sigure ca uneori va intrebati cum a ajuns X persoana sa detina o anumita functie sau sa se faca remarcat in domeniul lui de activitate, desi nu e „mare lucru de capul lui” si voi sunteti mult mai buni decat el sau stiti pe altcineva care ar fi meritat mai mult sa fie acolo pentru ca e mai talentat. Exceptand ministrii din Romania si alte cazuri de nepotism, raspunsul e simplu: prin multa munca. Nu conteaza ca tu esti mai inteligent, ai mai mult talent, mai multe studii, esti mai sociabil, mai carismatic, etc., tot ce conteaza e sa muncesti pentru a obtine ceea ce vrei.
Indiferent ca sunteti cantareti, pictori, sportivi, bloggeri, modele, profesori, actori, doctori sau orice altceva e nevoie de multa munca pentru a va atinge scopurile si intr-un final visul. In fiecare zi trebuie sa incercati sa fiti mai buni decat ieri, sa va autodepasiti si voi sa fiti singurii cu care sa fiti in competitie.
Talentul nu inseamna mare lucru fara munca. Probabil ati vazut (indiferent ca sunteti fani ai sportului sau nu), pentru ca a fost foarte mediatizat faptul ca Roger Federer a devenit numarul unu in clasamentul ATP la 36 de ani. Nimeni nu poate nega ca Federer are talent, unii il considera cel mai talentat jucator din toate timpurile, dar asta nu a fost de ajuns sa devina numarul unu in toti acesti ani (nu a mai fost pe aceasta pozitie din 2012). Si atunci cum a ajuns din nou nr.1? Chiar el a recunoscut ca atunci cand a facut acea pauza de mai bine de o jumatate de an s-a antrenat mai mult ca niciodata si ca acum nu mai joaca la turneele la care nu are timp suficient sa se pregateasca. Dupa atatia ani in circuit, dupa atatea mii si mii de ore de antrenament, la aceasta varsta, Federer munceste mai mult ca niciodata nu pentru a-si invinge adversarii din circuit, ci pentru a deveni cea mai buna versiune a lui. Pentru noi a fost si va fi mereu un exemplu de determinare, un model de admirat cand vine vorba de exersarea talentului.
Probabil va intrebati de ce ne-am apucat sa vorbim despre munca vs. talent. Spatiul creativ de la Qreator by IQOS unde ne-am distrat putin „intrand in diverse roluri” ne-a facut sa ne gandim la ce rol joaca talentul, chiar si in domeniul artistic (pictura sau muzica) unde e considerat foarte important. Suntem convinse ca nici aici talentul nu e suficient si mai mult ca sigur si voi stiti exemple de muzicieni sau actori mai putini talentati, dar care au ajuns faimosi pentru ca au perseverat si s-au dedicat visului lor.
Nu uitati ca talentul e doar un punct de start, insa trebuie sa muncim pentru a-l dezvolta.
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Location: Qreator by IQOS
Beautiful dresses and great pictures 😉
So glad that you like them, thank you! <3