There is nothing more exciting than having your best friend ask you to be her bridesmaid. But then you’re feeling so much pressure to find the perfect dress and what began as a joyful experience turns into stress.
Bridesmaid style has come a long way in the last few years and nowadays no one is wearing the same dress anymore. Today, the trend for bridesmaids is mismatched dresses, meaning mixing it up
with different styles, fabrics, and
colors that makes everything more fun.
with different styles, fabrics, and
colors that makes everything more fun.
This trend allows you
to highlight each woman’s style and ensure everyone is wearing a
dress that makes her feel great. We’ve all seen those dreamy photos on Pinterest, but where you can find nice dresses that can suit different shapes and budgets?
to highlight each woman’s style and ensure everyone is wearing a
dress that makes her feel great. We’ve all seen those dreamy photos on Pinterest, but where you can find nice dresses that can suit different shapes and budgets?
Soon we will be bridesmaids for our best friend and we didn’t find the dresses yet, so we are searching on various online stores to see different types of dresses, prices, fabrics and other details.
While browsing, we found Sherry London, a big UK based on-line shop which
sells all kinds of dresses at reasonable prices. All the items from the website are custom made and they seem to have a good quality. We found a lot of bridesmaids dresses and what we like most are the pastel colors and the fact that the items are very flowy and delicate.
sells all kinds of dresses at reasonable prices. All the items from the website are custom made and they seem to have a good quality. We found a lot of bridesmaids dresses and what we like most are the pastel colors and the fact that the items are very flowy and delicate.
You can see below some of our top choices from the site. What do you think? Which one do you like?
Unul dintre cele mai emotionante si mai frumoase momente e atunci cand cea mai buna prietena iti cere sa fii domnisoara ei de onoare. Dar la scurt timp dupa acest anunt, incepi sa simti presiunea de a gasi rochia perfecta si ceea ce a inceput ca o experienta plina de bucurie se poate transforma intr-un stres.
Unul dintre cele mai emotionante si mai frumoase momente e atunci cand cea mai buna prietena iti cere sa fii domnisoara ei de onoare. Dar la scurt timp dupa acest anunt, incepi sa simti presiunea de a gasi rochia perfecta si ceea ce a inceput ca o experienta plina de bucurie se poate transforma intr-un stres.
Stilul rochiilor de domnisoara de onoare a evoluat mult in ultimii ani si au fost create tendinte, iar astazi niciun grup de domnisoare de onoare nu mai poarta aceeasi rochie. Trendul e ca domnisoarele de onoare sa aiba rochii in culori si modele diferite, dar complementare si eventual de acceasi lungime, dar nu obligatoriu. Aceasta tendinte permite fiecarei domnisoare de onoare sa isi puna in evidenta stilul personal, dar si sa poarte o rochie care o face sa se simta minunat.
Cu toțti am vazut acele fotografii de vis pe Pinterest, dar unde putem gasi concret rochii frumoase, care sa se potriveasca cu diferite forme si bugete?
In curând vom fi domnisoare de onoare pentru cea mai buna prietena a noastra si nu am gasit inca rochiile pentru nunta, asa ca suntem in cautare si ne uitam pe diverse site-uri pentru a vedea diferite modele, preturi, materiale si alte detalii. In timp ce tot cautam am gasit Sherry London, un magazin online din Marea Britanie care vinde tot felul de rochii elegante la preturi rezonabile. Toate rochiile de pe site sunt facute la comanda si par sa aiba o calitate foarte buna. Am gasit o multime de modele si ceea ce ne place cel mai mult sunt culorile pastelate si faptul ca sunt foarte flowy si delicate. Puteti vedea mai jos o parte din alegerile noastre de pe site.
Ce credeti? Care vi se pare cea mai draguta?
Majoritatea rochitelor mi se par frumoase si sunt sigura ca alegerile voastre vor fi pe masura! De abia asteeeeeeeeeeeeeeept!!!!! <3
Daaa, si noua ne-au placut multe 😀
Si noi suntem super nerabdatoare 😛
Beautiful dresses!!!!!. Perfect.