
Kimono mania

The new hot trend for summer is the kimono. Long or short, with or without fringe, this clothing item so far ignored by all, stormed the beaches and the streets this summer. At first we didn’t like it, but we must admit that lately we’ve become fans, especially after seeing so many beautiful models. We already ordered the model from the second photo and we can’t wait to arrive. The short ones seem a great…

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Our favorite summer trends

Today we present you a different post, our first post together, we hope you like it. Here are our favorite trends of this summer: Cristina’s choices: I will start with my favourite trend for this summer: jumpsuits. I’m in love with these items, I could basically wear them all summer long and still not get bored. I woud love to have an elegant jumpsuit, like the red one or the turquoise one from this picture…

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The wet hair trend: yay or nay?

Inca de acum cativa ani trendul wet hair look se purta pe catwalk, insa acum a fost adoptat de celebritati, mai apoi si de bloggeri si a ajuns sa fie purtat si pe strada. Daca parul lins si prins intr-un coc sau o coada de cal mai arata cum mai arata, parul lins si dat pe spate mi se pare de-a dreptul ingrozitor. Eu nu am reusit sa inteleg acest trend nici pana acum si…

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OOTD: Chunky sweater hot or not?

De vreo cateva zile s-a instalat oficial iarna si oricat am vrea sa o mai fentam noi cu tinute mai subtirele nu se mai poate. Ieri am iesit din casa (fortata de imprejurari 🙂 si am ajuns inapoi ca un caine: uda, inghetata si zgribulita, desi am fost imbracata destul de gros. Singurele lucruri care ma salveaza in situatii dintr-astea sunt puloverele groase si pufoase, denumite asa dragut chunky sweaters (ador cuvantul chunky :)) Puloverul…

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