
NYX Turnt Up! {review and swatches}

  We haven’t written a beauty post in a while but we really wanted to show you some lipsticks that we adore lately: NYX Turnt Up! First and foremost, the color selection is brilliant and we are happy that we have them all (22 shades) because we love so many shades. It’s the first time we have a whole range of lipstick and we can’t stop wearing the pink shades even though it’s not the…

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Naked 2 dupe (review and swatches)

I haven’t written in the last days, but my absence is justified. I was busy making some changes to the blog and I’m no expert in HTML, so it took me a while to see how it works. I’m satisfied with the way that blog looks now, maybe I will change the header in the future, but for now I’m done. Returning to the subject of today post: Naked 2 palette. In fact what you…

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Sleek Respect palette review

Dupa cum v-am mai spus sunt mare fana a fardurilor Sleek. De fapt, cred ca aproape toate care ati incercat cel putin o data fardurile Sleek sunteti fane 🙂 Astazi o sa va arat paleta Sleek Respect din colectia Shangri La (care e foarte diferita din punct de vedere al nuantelor) fata de cele doua pe care le aveam pana acum: Oh So Special si Storm. As I said before, I’m a huge fan of…

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Mineral goodies from Lucy Minerals

Nu stiu de ce nu prea eram deloc atrasa pana acum ceva vreme de farduri minerale, ci doar de palete de farduri. De fapt stiu 🙂 Nu imi placeau pentru ca imi si imaginam cum zboara praful prin aer, cum gauresc orificiile acelea speciale ale recipientului prea rau si imi curge jumatate de produs pe jos, cum nu o sa le pot doza si tot asa. De fapt, nu e deloc asa. Acum vreo doua…

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Top 5: Favorite Lipsticks

Pana anul trecut nu aveam decat un singur ruj in colectie pentru ca nu imi placeau deloc si aveam impresia ca nu imi sta bine cu niciunul, ca se aplica mai greu, ca imi usuca buzele si alte lucruri total neadevarate. Asta pana cand am inceput sa testez si rujuri cand mergeam sa-mi cumpar alte cosmetice si m-am indragostit si de ele, ba chiar acum le prefer uneori in locul glossurilor. Acum am ajuns sa…

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