
Don’t live your life in the fast forward because there is no rewind

Traim pe fast forward si vrem sa facem totul cat mai rapid, asa ca uneori ne intrebam daca mai citeste cineva bloguri. Am observat ca si pe Instagram ca atunci cand o persoana scrie descrieri mai lungi nu le citeste nimeni si apar o gramada de intrebari in comentarii, intrebari care nu isi au rostul daca ai citi descrierea. Scroll, scroll, printre poze, eventual o inimioara si un like si asta e tot, insa de…

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Rose Garden

A devenit deja o traditie sa facem in fiecare an fotografii la Gradina Botanica, la sfarsitul lunii mai, cand infloresc tradafirii. Si cu fiecare an care trece, numarul trandafirilor din Gradina creste. Ne bucuram enorm sa vedem atatea specii multicolore la un loc, ne aduce aminte de Queen Mary’s Garden din Regent’s Park/Londra, cea mai frumoasa gradina pe care am vazut-o vreodata si pe care nu credem ca o vom uita vreodata. Si daca tot…

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Too cool for school

We’re back with a new collaboration, this time together with our friend Rux from Gold and Silver Sparkles. Our collaboration has not been planned, but when we met during the weekend, we realized that our outfits seemed perfect for school, so we decided to do something nice together. These outfits can be an inspiration for young women too, not only for teenagers. They are chic and feminine, job appropriate or you can also wear them…

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OOTD: Office attire

We are thrilled to introduce our first project together. We have worked together for Optiblu photoshoot and for this post, but we’ve never appeared together in an outfit post 🙂 Although our visions are not always the same and we have different styles, we always manage to get to a common point and to feel very good together. Sense challenged us for the Sense Blogger of the Week and we have to choose one item…

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