
Dear_Romania, now you can shop online at Zara

Starting today, Zara launches its online store for Romania. Before launching the site, Zara chose the most influential Romanian people on the Web and sent them a gift card to enjoy the online shopping experience and to test the new platform before the official opening. We were extremely happy to be among those who have this opportunity. Below you can see what we’ve got: Dupa cum v-am anuntat deja pe Facebook si Instagram, incepand de…

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Mici achizitii din ultima vreme

In ultima vreme nu mi-am achizitionat prea multe produse cosmetice, ci mai mult de ingrijire, avand in vedere ca sunt intr-un project pan continuu 🙂 Nu imi place sa am/sa folosesc mai mult de 2-3 produse din aceeasi categorie, desi mi se intampla frecvent acest lucru. Nu stiu cum unele guru de pe Youtube ajung sa aiba zeci de mascara/fonduri de ten/gloss-uri si alte produse de make-up ca eu nici doua nu le pot folosi…

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