
Embroidered sweater

  Embroidered prints are still everywhere: clothes, bags, jackets and even shoes. Although these items were very popular last summer, the trend show no signs of disappearing, on the contrary it’s becoming more popular than ever. We are happy that we can find embroidered pieces during winter, until now we had only summer items with embroidery. Now we’ve got a lot of thick sweaters more or less flowery. In today’s post we present two of them, that we wore…

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7 years of blogging. 7 lessons ❤

2009, July 20– we published our first post on this blog.  It seems like an eternity has passed since then. Meanwhile we have written nearly 1,000 posts, we’ve taken thousands of pictures (maybe tens of thousands), we’ve met dozens of people or hundreds if we count on those we only know online, we worked with hundreds of brands and  hundreds of thousands of people read what we wrote in all those years. Beyond figures and…

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OOTD: White and peach dress

[EN]:  About two weeks ago, Cris and I met Rux from Gold and Silver Sparkles, because we haven’t talked in ages face to face, just online, so we had many stories to tell 🙂 After we took some photos, Rux invite us to a nice place, where I drank for the first time Boba, a Taiwanese tea-based  drink with chewy tapioca pieces in it. Maybe you already see the photos on Instagram ( you can…

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Beauty Chat event +OOTD

[EN]: On Saturday I had a busy day, but so beautiful! I started early in the morning with the Beauty Chat event, where I met some fellow bloggers and in the evening I met another beautiful ladies at a local pub. At the Beauty Chat event I had the oportunity to try for the first time the Lush products and I really liked them, so I was thrilled when we receive a voucher for Lush…

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