
Bulgarian road trip: Durankulak, Shabla, Tyulenovo

  Chances are that when you think of fields of lavender, sunny Provence is the first place that comes to mind.  Did you think of Bulgaria? It may come as a surprise that Bulgaria has become in recent years the largest producer of lavender in the world. We knew that Bulgarians are famous for rose essential oil, but we just had no idea about lavender until our social networks feed was filled with photos in…

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Romanian road trip: Castelul Corvinilor, Baile 1 Mai, Oradea, Castelul de Lut

  Doua perechi de surori, zeci de lucruri in comun. Pare greu de crezut, insa a fost doar a doua ora cand ne-am intalnit toate patru. Da, ne-am vazut doar o singura data si am decis sa plecam in road trip. Blogurile si social media au schimbat complet modul in care socializam, iar astazi poti cunoaste o persoana doar urmarind-o pe retelele de socializare. Noi si Surorile Calatoare Ramona si Simona ne comportam de parca…

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Road trip {Sibiu}

If you ever come in Romania, you really need to visit Sibiu, one of the most important cultural centers of Romania. The streets are long and narrow with small city squares at places. The architecture is rather rustic, but Sibiu features a parade of architectural styles. You must visit the Large Square, the Council Tower, the Bridge of Lies, the Brukenthal Museum, Evangelical Church and all the monuments in this area. On Friday we had…

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