
Yves Rocher Volume Vertige mascara (review)

Hi girls! It’s time for a new review. Today I will present you a mascara that I used a lot in the last months:  Yves Rocher Volume Vertige Lash Curler Effect. Fisrt of all, I love the elegant packaging and the silicone brush (I don’t know why, but I feel like silicone brushes are better at applying mascara and curl lashes nicer than regular ones). The brush has a very unique design that Yves Rocher…

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Avon Mega Effects with maxi efforts (review)

[EN]: Avon Mega Effects is the most innovative mascara I’ve ever used. When I saw for the first time the  brush of this mascara, I was intrigued and I wasn’t pretty sure how to use it. I must admit that I like that the tube is flat, it looks like a highlighter pen. Initially, I didn’t know how to open it and I thought that I will break the wand, but then, after a few…

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Volume Build mascara: review and pictures

I’ve just finished the Hyper Stretch mascara from Oriflame (review and pictures here) and I received the new Volume Build mascara. At the beginning I was looking suspiciously at the big brush and at the product description which says you can re-apply this mascara up to five times! VoluFlex formula and Megabrush lets you customise your lash-look throughout the day. „Yes, sure!!!”, I was thinking, but after I’ve tried for the first time, I loved…

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Get the Kim Kardashian look with Gosh products (review)

Cu toate ca nu o prea suport pe Kim Kardashian, intotdeauna am fost fascinata de machiajul ei perfect si de look-ul impecabil pe care il afiseaza de fiecare data cand apare pe covorul rosu. In urma cu cateva saptamani am descoperit niste produse perfecte care ne pot ajuta sa obtinem un machiaj smoky eye asemanator cu cel al lui Kim K. Even if I can’t stand Kim Kardashian, I always admire her perfect make-up, especially…

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Review Hyper Stretch Mascara de la Oriflame

Va spuneam aici despre rimelul inovator Hyper Stretch Mascara de la Oriflame, pe care imi doream sa-l incerc sa vad daca chiar face ce promite, adica stimuleaza ciclul de crestere a genelor datorita formulei cu Pro-Long Complex. Iata descrierea lui: Hyper Stretch Mascara – un produs in care fibrele inovatoare pentru alungirea genelor confera atat lungime incredibila (fapt demonstrat clinic), cat si definire si separare perfecte. Complexul Pro-Long™ functioneaza prin stimularea ciclului natural de crestere…

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