
Cum alegem creionul pentru sprancene

  Impactul pe care sprancenele il au asupra infatisarii este unul foarte mare, conturand armonios fata. Forma sprancenelor este extrem de importanta deoarece poate schimba complet chipul. Chiar daca nu ati fost inzestrate cu sprancene perfecte, le puteti contura cu ajutorul machiajului. Machiajul sprancenelor  accentueaza ochii si da expresie fetei, insa nu mereu subliniaza trasaturile naturale, ci se mai intampla sa le transforme total si sa le transforme in mai rau, in loc de mai…

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Benefit Brow Collection- It’s a kind of magic

As you may have seen on tons of Instagram profiles, ours included: Dorina and Cristina, Benefit Cosmetics launched Benefit Brow Collection, a fabulous and magic line for perfect eyebrows. We can’t describe how excited we were for the Romanian launch event after watching on YouTube and Insta what happened to the special beauty convention in Las Vegas. Lately we have started to use the eyebrow products and we saw what difference can make a good…

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