
Organic Baby goodies

A venit timpul sa mai facem si un review, asa ca astazi o sa va vorbesc despre doua produse primite in campania de testare de pe site-ul Organic Baby. Probabil ati mai vazut si la alte fete ca acest site are un program special pentru bloggeri la care puteti aplica, dar si un program de afiliere.  Organic Baby este un magazin online de cosmetice organice, unde o sa gasiti o multime de produse tentante. Mi-a…

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Dear_Romania, now you can shop online at Zara

Starting today, Zara launches its online store for Romania. Before launching the site, Zara chose the most influential Romanian people on the Web and sent them a gift card to enjoy the online shopping experience and to test the new platform before the official opening. We were extremely happy to be among those who have this opportunity. Below you can see what we’ve got: Dupa cum v-am anuntat deja pe Facebook si Instagram, incepand de…

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My favorite items from Romwe flash sale

Already the end of August, but here is the last promotion from Romwe this month. As usual, only 48 hours, and all items are $19.99, super slim price, right?! They are all hot items! Don’t miss it! You can find the items here . I already ordered this jacket and this maxi dress! I can’t wait to wear them! 🙂 You can see below other items that I really like: ***************** [RO]: Sfarsitul verii aduce…

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Spotted: oferte imbatabile (ro only)

Cred ca stiti deja ca sunt innebunita dupa reduceri de orice fel, dar cine oare nu le adora? Azi va prezint rapid cateva oferte super bune de care am profitat in aceasta perioada sau pe care le-am zarit in magazine sau online recent (in afara de haine pe care le voi prezenta intr-o postare viitoare): – lotiunea micelara Sensibio de la Bioderma (250 ml)- 1+1 gratis la doar 37,5 lei la farmaciile Belladonna; Stiam demult…

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Reduceri de Black Friday

Nebunia Black Friday a cuprins anul acesta si Romania. Daca anul trecut, oferta a fost destul de slabuta si doar un magazin, doua au avut reduceri, anul acesta mai toate brandurile anunta reduceri semnificative si promotii tentante. Ma bucur ca am reusit si noi sa preluam ceva util de la americani. Pe mine una nu ma intereseaza originile sarbatorii, traditia de la ei, atata timp cat mi se ofera reduceri, e super ok 🙂 Haideti…

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