
OOTD: Zebra crossing

Even before blogging and posting outfits I wanted some photos on zebra crossing. I know that it might  sounds funny or strange, but I love these sort of action shots and I always admire them on fashion blogs. Now I have photos on zebra crossing, but I’m not very happy with them, so I’ll keep practicing 🙂 My outfit  is simple, masculine inspired, but the flower print blazer and the accessories make it stand out.  ******…

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OOTD: At the lake

Maybe you know I’m a little bit obsessed with colors, so I wear colorful outfits no matter the season. You already saw these pants here, but today I choose a different kind of approach. I love the purple pants and I could wear them every day, cause not only they look good, but also have a very good fabric and are very comfy. The sweater is very thick and fluffy and it works perfectly with…

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OOTD: First fall outfit

No more summer nostalgia! I have decided to pack all my dresses and tees and enjoy the jeans, jackets and cardigans. This Saturday I took some pictures in the park and the weather was just perfect for fall. I decided to take part in Takko Fashion contest with other 14 bloggers and I had to create an outfit starting with an item from their store. I choose a thin beige parka and a scarf from…

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OOTD: Mint and flowers

Nu pot sa cred ca a trecut deja prima luna de cand nu mai merg la scoala. Nu, nu as vrea sa ma intorc din nou la scoala, insa parca imi lipseste putin atmosfera aia de la facultate si pregatirile si tot. Oricum, e mult mai bine acum pentru ca am mult mai mult timp liber pe care pot sa-l petrec pentru a ma dezvolta atat personal cat si profesional. Revenind la tinuta, e una…

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OOTD: My new lovely peplum jacket

Iubesc gecile de piele si mi-as dori sa am cate una in fiecare culoare 🙂Pana acum le aveam doar pe cele basic: neagra si una maro, insa de curand mi-am luat si una nude/roz deschis.Imi plac aceste geci pentru ca sunt feminine si versatile, le poti purta atat la outfituri elegante, dar si la cele casual. Geaca roz din tinuta de astazi am vazut-o prima oara la Alice si m-am indragostit de ea. In primul…

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