
We ❤ L’oreal Paris Color Riche

As beauty blogger you have the opportunity to try so many products and rarely happens to use a makeup product for a long time. You always find something new and more interesting .Well, we recently fall madly in love with L’oreal Color Riche Extraordinaire lipsticks and wore them obsessively 🙂 When we first saw them we were convinced that these products are lip glosses and we couldn’t understand why they are called lipsticks. After we…

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Nail art stamping plates

Lately I like to try more designs and colors on the nails, not just colorful outfits 🙂 So I discovered nail plates and not just the usual ones, but also the silicon plates. Although it is winter, I used only bright colors and patterns with flowers and butterflies 🙂 The silicone plates* seem much easier to use than regular plates. However, as you will see below, the results are far from perfect, it takes some…

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NOTD: Tribal glitter nail polish and Searo Nail Dry Spray

[EN]: I’ve told you just a couple of months ago that I was in love with China Glaze It’s a Trapeze, a beautiful glitter nail polish, but in the meantime I have found another one, even more special. I think it’s the most beautiful nail polish I own. Even if you’re not a „polishaholic”, you will love The Tribal Color (24) polish. I really like it because the glitter particles are very large and colorful,…

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NOTD: Living in a dream

A trecut destul de mult timp de cand nu v-am mai aratat un NOTD, asa ca ar fi cazul sa recuperez, nu? Astazi va voi prezenta nu doar o oja, ci un set cu care m-am tot jucat in ultima vreme, incercandu-i aproape toate culorile. Setul de oje NYX Living in a Dream m-a fascinat de-a dreptul. Nu doar ca arata foarte bine, dar ojele sunt incredibil de bune. Sticlutele de oja sunt foarte mici,…

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NOTD: Holiday Gold

Sper ca ati petrecut foarte frumos de Craciun si ca ati primit de la Mosu’ ceea ce va doreati. Recunosc ca eu am cam lenevit in ultima saptamana si am stat departe si de retelele de socializare, asa ca nici pe blog nu prea am mai intrat. Oricum, chiar daca nu o sa postez prea des saptamana asta, o sa revin cu forte proaspete in noul an, am planuri foarte mari 🙂 Astazi o sa…

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