
Prima noastra trusa pentru manichiura {review}

Desi suntem bloggeri de beauty de multa vreme, exista un capitol din acest domeniu la care nu ne prea pricepem si nici nu ne dadeam silinta sa realizam ceva special: manichiura. Purtam mereu unghiile taiate foarte scurt si fara a le da vreo forma speciala si deja ne consolasem cu ideea ca unghiile noastre sunt naspa si nu prea avem ce sa le facem. Uneori eram chiar complexate, ne era jena sa le aratam si…

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Benecos makeup products {review}

Lately we’ve noticed that the number of women who use organic or natural makeup products increased and the market for these ranges is growing and they are improving all the time in terms of their formulations and color palette. But are these products good or just good ingredients? Well, from our experience we can tell you that in terms of efficiency, there aren’t differences between organic makeup products and the usual ones. Sure, for a…

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We ❤ L’oreal Paris Color Riche

As beauty blogger you have the opportunity to try so many products and rarely happens to use a makeup product for a long time. You always find something new and more interesting .Well, we recently fall madly in love with L’oreal Color Riche Extraordinaire lipsticks and wore them obsessively 🙂 When we first saw them we were convinced that these products are lip glosses and we couldn’t understand why they are called lipsticks. After we…

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Manichiura la salonul Studio Fashion Hair Keune sau diferenta de la teorie la practica

Astazi sora mea, Cristina, o sa va descrie experienta ei de la manichiura oferita de salonul Hair Studio Keune, in baza voucher-ului castigat la evenimentul KillyS. La eveniment a fost organizata o tombola cu premii, iar eu am fost norocoasa si am castigat un voucher ce oferea o manichiura clasica la Studio Fahion Hair Keune.   Foto: Razvan Danaila Am fost foarte incantata cand am vazut invitatia, deoarece nu am fost pana acum la un salon…

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