
Castiga un voucher de cumparaturi pe Kurtmann.ro (RO only )

Astazi lansam al doilea giveaway aniversar de pe blog in colaborare cu un site foarte drag noua: Kurtmann. Siti ca de-a lungul timpului am avut multe postari in care am prezentat haine de pe Kurtmann.ro si intotdeauna am fost foarte multumite de calitatea lor, dar si de profesionalismul tuturor din echipa- sunt extrem de prompti, seriosi si foarte amabili. Pe site gasiti o multitudine de branduri cunoscute cu haine foarte variate si pentru toate dimensiunile.…

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Dear_Romania, now you can shop online at Zara

Starting today, Zara launches its online store for Romania. Before launching the site, Zara chose the most influential Romanian people on the Web and sent them a gift card to enjoy the online shopping experience and to test the new platform before the official opening. We were extremely happy to be among those who have this opportunity. Below you can see what we’ve got: Dupa cum v-am anuntat deja pe Facebook si Instagram, incepand de…

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Fashion Tribes event

Last week I attended my first fashion event, Fashion Tribes launch – the newest, cool and complete online store for clothing and accessories from Romania. If you follow me on Instagram you probably noticed that I uploaded some photos from the event, cause was a unique presentation, which I liked a lot. I just want to say a big thank you to Rux for inviting me at the event. The organizers wanted to prove the…

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You can never have too many pairs of shoes

A woman can never have too many pairs of shoes. So true! I think no matter how many pairs of shoes you have, you will always find a new one that seems very special and you want to add it to your collection. I must admit that my passion for shoes increased with age. A few years ago I wasn’t attracted at all by heels, but lately I’d buy a pair every week if I…

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Today’s finds

Astazi am mai descoperit un magazin online cu haine foarte dragute si accesibile ca pret. Style247.ro e un magazin online de haine de femei, cu o selectie destul de mare si variata de haine si accesorii. Au o groaza de rochii frumoase, bluze si pantaloni pe toate gusturile, atat pentru tinere, cat si pentru doamne mai in varsta. >Vestea buna e ca acest magazin online are si un sediu fizic, in Centrul Vechi din Bucuresti,…

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