
Zebra Leggings Giveaway (international)

Little Zebra Leggings Giveaway worldwide! How to win a pair of Zebra leggings: 1. add a comment to show your love to the sexy leggings at product page here; 2. Like our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/AnothersideOfMeBlog 3. Follow our blog through Bloglovin or GFC; 4.  Tell me you have done it by leaving me a comment following this post with your Facebook, Bloglovin/GFC name and your email address. One winner will be picked 5 days later.…

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Romwe leggings flash sale

I know that many of you love the Romwe leggings, so I have some good news for you. Now you can make your print come true! Here are so many new print leggings, like tiger, strips etc. Go to find your right one here! [RO]: Stiu ca sunt multe fane printre voi ale colantilor de la Romwe, asa ca vin cu vesti bune pentru voi. Cei de la Romwe au adus modele noi de colanti,…

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The biggest leggings flash sale from Romwe!

Good news for the girls who love leggings! Romwe biggest leggings flash sale! Date: 05/15/2013 -05/17/2013 Only 72 hours!  Go! Link: http://www.romwe.com/manage_activity/300+Crazy-Leggings-Flash-Sale/

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Win a pair of Romwe leggings on Instagram!

Good news if you have Romwe leggings! Share creative photos, follow them on Instagram and you win FREE leggings! Here are the rules of the Romwe contest: 1, Take a photo in Romwe leggings  2, Post with @romwe #romwemay “I’m xxx(name), I’m in xxx(city), I’m wearing Romwe leggings” on Instagram  3, Locate your positions 4, Follow Romwe on Instagram Here is the example: http://statigr.am/viewer.php#/detail/450491706190550904_35829052 Time: 05/09/2013 to 06/09/2013 O veste buna pentru cele care aveti…

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Romwe giveaway winners

Sorry that I didn’t announce the winners of the Romwe giveaway earlier, but I was at the Bucharest tennis tournament all this week. Here are the two lucky winners: Imi cer scuze ca nu am anuntat castigatoarele mai devreme, insa, asa cum v-am spus, am fost toata saptamana la turneul de tenis BRD Nastase Tiriac Trophy si n-am avut deloc timp liber. Iata fericitele castigatoare: Congratulations to Hanna Majava and Rica Lanojan! I will email…

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