
Yo man or Yes mam?

I find amazing how some clothes or accessories can change our attitude or appearance. At least, in my case: every time I wear a dress I feel more elegant, more feminine and behave like a lady and when I’m wearing sport items I feel almost like a boy 😛 That’s exactly why I like fashion so much, cause I love to play with clothes and accessories. It gives me the opportunity to change, to become…

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Create your own fairytale

If you want to change your life, you have to change your mind. People are what they think. Let go of all negative thoughts and focus on the positive, creative thoughts, on love and generosity. We all have issues, concerns, needs and fears, but we should not let them seize us and forget to enjoy life. Today’s post is all about joy, celebration and inspiration. We had no particular reason to celebrate, but we decided…

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Sale el sol

Y un dia despues        de la tormenta            cuando menos piensas sale el sol         Shakira- Sale el Sol If you follow me on Instagram, you probably know that I spent the last week at the Bucharest tennis tournament – BRD Nastase Tiriac Trophy, like every year. Thursday it rained really bad and the matches started late, so I took some photos with the outfit of the day. The wind and the and rain…

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Too cool for school

We’re back with a new collaboration, this time together with our friend Rux from Gold and Silver Sparkles. Our collaboration has not been planned, but when we met during the weekend, we realized that our outfits seemed perfect for school, so we decided to do something nice together. These outfits can be an inspiration for young women too, not only for teenagers. They are chic and feminine, job appropriate or you can also wear them…

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Floral print dresses

Nu-i trend pe care sa-l iubesc mai mult decat imprimeul floral. De fapt, nici nu ma intereseaza daca e trend sau nu, ador hainele cu flori (ati vazut si pe placuta Nivea, nu? :P). De vreo doi ani cred ca am inceput sa dezvolt aceasta obsesie pasiune si sa imi cumpar haine inflorate. Imi plac bluzele, pantalonii scurti, tricourile, accesoriile, orice cu imprimeu floral, dar mai ales rochiile. Mi-as cumpara una in fiecare zi daca…

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