
Blush pink

A week ago, Cristina showed you this beautiful powdery pink jacket integrated in a casual outfit. Today I’m showing you how I wore it with a more elegant outfit. I believe it’s so beautiful that it stands out no matter how you choose to wear it. Because it was very hot the day I took these photos, I finally wore shoes for the first time this year and I was very excited. I hope it…

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OOTD: My new lovely peplum jacket

Iubesc gecile de piele si mi-as dori sa am cate una in fiecare culoare 🙂Pana acum le aveam doar pe cele basic: neagra si una maro, insa de curand mi-am luat si una nude/roz deschis.Imi plac aceste geci pentru ca sunt feminine si versatile, le poti purta atat la outfituri elegante, dar si la cele casual. Geaca roz din tinuta de astazi am vazut-o prima oara la Alice si m-am indragostit de ea. In primul…

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