
OOTD: A thousand kisses

Today’s pictures are from a couple of weeks ago, when I was at the Bucharest tennis tournament final. The only item that stands out from this outfit is the red lips printed shirt, which is very pretty, but also has a good quality. I was surprised to see that is from Zara, even though I take it from an online Chinese store.  Do you like it? ***************************** Pozele din postarea de astazi sunt facute acum…

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OOTD: Little black dress with studs

Astazi la rubrica Outfit of the day avem un invitat surpriza :)) Cristinei i-a placut atat de mult o rochie de-a mea, incat mi-a furat-o si a pozat cu ea pentru OOTD-ul de pe blog. Stim cu toate cat de versatila poate fi o rochie neagra, ca doar nu degeaba i s-au dedicat atatea articole in revistele de moda si nu degeaba e ridicata in slavi de toata lumea. Rochia pe care o poarta Cris…

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