
Fashion is our passion

We always liked message T-shirts: either funny, inspirational or representative quotes. They say something about the person who wear them and offers a touch of individuality. We like so much custom tees that a few years ago we wanted to create a collection with fashion inspired messages. So you can imagine our joy when hicustom.net invited us to create our own shirts. It’s very simple- you choose a simple tee and then you add your…

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OOTD: Cute pink hearts

A couple of days ago, Dorina showed you the outfit she wore at the meeting with Julie from The Lovely Darlings and now it’s my turn 🙂 I wore a simple dress, perfect for a warm summer day. I really like this dress because it’s elegant, but also casual as it has pockets, and can be worn both with sandals, but also with sneakers. I didn’t expect it at such quality because it cost just…

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OOTD: Dancing in the rain

Fotografiile din postarea asta le-am facut cu cateva saptamani in urma, cand inca era ger afara :)) Parca de fiecare data cand ies in oras si vreau sa fac si poze cu outfit-ul pe care il port, se inrautateste vremea 🙂 Am facut cateva poze recent (o sa le postez in curand) si fusese asa cald dimineata si cand am iesit dupa amiaza, era ger si a inceput ploaia. Sa revenim la fotografiile din aceasta…

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