
[Tag] The Liebster Award (Ro only)

Am primit un tag de la Adina (careia ii multumesc mult) care presupune sa va spun 11 lucruri despre mine. Am decis sa il fac eu de data asta, pentru ca Dorina l-a mai completat acum ceva timp. O sa incep direct cu 11 lucruri despre mine, iar apoi o sa raspund la intrebarile Adinei. 1. Imi place foarte mult sa pozez pentru outfituri, dar urasc sa stea cineva necunoscut langa mine atunci cand le…

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We are not twins! Get to know us

Every time we meet someone and we are together we get the inevitable question: „Are you twins?” After we smile answering „no”, we get the usual reply: „You look so similar! Who’s the big sister?” This not happened to us only once or twice, but always, so we already got used. Today we decided to tell you a few things about us because we’ve noticed many people believe that behind the blog is one person,…

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