
L’oreal Paris Collection Exclusive Pure Reds {review}

We were so excited when L’Oréal Paris released their Collection Exclusive Pure Reds lipsticks and nail polish. They’ve designed a range of reds to complement all skin tones and they have matched up shades to celebrities of all skin tones to help you chose the best colour match. All you need to do is to choose which of the shades is right for you and go for the celebrity with the nearest skin tone. The…

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L’Oreal Paris lanseaza Collection Exclusive Pure Reds (Ro only)

Rujul rosu a fost si este considerat cel mai sexy ruj si fiecare femeie viseaza sa gaseasca nuanta perfecta pentru ea. Cu toate ca multe femei sunt atrase de rujul rosu, unele se feresc sa il aleaga deoarece nu este o culoare usor de purtat si trebuie sa iti gasesti nuanta ce ti se potriveste. Trebuie sa marturisim ca si noi acum cativa ani eram reticente in ceea ce priveste rujul rosu, insa acum a…

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