
Pink flowers in my hair {outfit+video}

I have always dreamed of taking pictures with the blossomed trees, and this year I have finally succeeded in doing so. The weather was perfect, so sunny and hot and I’m super happy with the pictures I’ve taken. I’ve also did a short video for the first time with the entire outfit, I hope you’ll like it. The main attraction of this outfit is this beautiful personalized clutch from MNO.logie that I’m so in love…

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I don’t know where I’m going, but I’m on my way

Cristina showed you in the last post how she styled her Smart Little Bag (SLB) from by LouLou, so now it’s my turn. I went on a feminine combo and I chose some colored chic items. My clutch doesn’t have a bold print as hers (it’s Anaconda Cognac) and I find it easier to match. Goes with everything. I really love its details: Eiffel tower wrist strap and by LouLou charm, a small mirror for…

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Weekend outfit: Python print

There are certain accessories that make your outfit stand out in the crowd . Whether it’s a bold print or color, the unusual shape or the quality fabric, they totally change the outfit you wear. Well, I recently found an accessory that meets all the above qualities and it’s extremely sexy. It’s the SLB (Smart Little Bag) from by LouLou -a wallet that can be used as clutch as well, thanks to the mobile phone…

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OOTD: Lady in red with a Vogue clutch

Nu am avut niciodata ocazia sa rasfoiesc un numar Vogue, desi mi-as dori foarte mult, insa zilele trecute am reusit sa intru in posesia a zeci de coperti Vogue :))Va intrebati oare cum e posibil? Ei bine, e vorba de noul meu clutch, Betty. De cum l-am vazut pe effingo.ro mi-a cazut cu tronc si am stiut ca trebuie sa-l am. Imi place la nebunie imprimeul plicului, dar si forma si marimea lui. E perfect…

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