
Spring Pink

Spring has come and I already feel inspired, happier and more willing to realize new things. There’s something in the air that makes you excited, smiley and dreamy. Not to mention the inspiration for outfits – I have so many ideas. For now I have a few outfits that I haven’t got the chance to show you, but they are spring appropriate. Today’s outfit is one of them. It’s a simple, sporty one, perfect for…

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Unboxing: Comanda Brand Circus {video}

Buna, fetelor! Astazi am un nou video pentru voi. De aceasta data fara Cristina, o sa aflati din filmulet de ce 🙂 Desi am hotarat sa postam cate un video nou in fiecare saptamana, iata ca am fost foarte productive si am postat doua saptamana aceasta 🙂 Intentionam sa postam un clip nou in fiecare miercuri, insa nu stim sigur daca vom reusi mereu. Oricum, vom posta saptamanal 🙂 Sper sa va placa videoclipul, desi…

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No winter lasts forever

The holidays are almost over, but we are happy that we spent some quality time with our family and close ones. I’m back in business with a comfy and casual outfit, that you can wear it on a daily basis. It’s a simple outfit, I’m not a huge fan of sophisticated outfits, this is basically my everyday look: jeans, a shirt with a cardigan or a sweater, a pair of boots, parka or coat and…

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