
Boho chic dress

Although I like boho style, you won’t see me wearing boho items at all. I really admire women who wear exuberant boho chic pieces, but for me it seems pretty bold. However, when I saw this boho chic dress on Bonprix it was love at first sight. Although the first impulse was to combine it with ankle boots, it’s too hot for that. I chose sandals for now, but I plan to wear with booties…

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Stil de star: Olsen twins

Le stim inca de cand erau niste bebelusi, din serialul „Casa plina”, dar acum Mary- Kate si Ashley Olsen au crescut si s-au transformat in designeri vestimentari, avand si propria linie de produse cosmetice si fiind considerate style icons. Gemenele sunt fanele stilului boho-chic, trend pe care l-au adaptat in functie de personalitatea lor, dar nu si tinand cont de proportiile corpului lor. Stilul boho-chic e preferat si de Kate Moss sau Sienna Miller, care…

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