
These boots are made for…spring

A few weeks ago I bought these beautiful black boots. They are perfect for a whimsy spring like we have in Romania. They aren’t very thick, are extremely comfortable and they were affordable, too. I just love them! The red envelope bag is a gift that we received from our friend Deea and we love it. It has a very soft fabric, looks like leather, sleek design and it gives a touch of elegance to…

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OOTD: Look for less-Taylor Swift

Tinuta de azi am purtat-o in weekend, pentru a face in ciuda vremii. Nu suport absolut deloc vremea de afara (cred ca am mai spus-o de un milion de ori pe blog) si am ales niste culori puternice pentru ca ma deprima negrul 🙂 Nu mai suport nici sa vad negru si gri (parca numai haine in culorile astea sunt pe strada) peste tot plus baltoace sau ghetus. Cel putin in weekend a fost zapada…

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