
Make-up recommendation for summer: BB cream

  In ultimele saptamani am evitat sa ne mai machiem din cauza temperaturilor ridicate, dar si a mastii. E super stresant sa iti faci un machiaj frumos si apoi cum iesi din casa sa te trezesti cu el intins pentru ca e prea cald si pentru ca trebuie sa iti pui si masca. Mai sunt si momente cand apelam la machiaj, dar la unul minimalist, cu doar cateva produse. Desi am descoperit cateva fonduri de…

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Dr. Jart Rejuvenating BB Blemish Base (review)

Hi dolls! It’s time for the first review of the year and I’ll show you a product that I use for a long time and I like a lot: Dr. Jart Rejuvenating BB Blemish Base (Silver Label). I used it in the summer, but also now, in winter, so I have formed a strong opinion about it. First of all, I like the simple packaging and the fact that the squeeze tube is very convenient…

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Skin 79 Beblesh Balm Triple Function BB Cream review

I’m pretty sure that you’ve heard about Skin 79 brand because they produce one of the most popular BB Creams in the world. Today I’m gonna present you the Skin 79 Beblesh Balm Triple Function BB Cream*. What I really like about this BB cream is its unique design. Not only that is pink, but also has a little pump and it’s very hygienic. Its texture is creamy, soft and easily to apply. The consistency…

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Review: Bioderma Sensibio AR BB Cream

[EN]: I’ve told you on the post with the „July favorites” that I love Bioderma Sensibio AR BB Cream and today I’ll tell you more about it. First of all, this is the first non-Asian BB Cream that I like, because it has the texture and many specific characteristics of an original BB Cream. Sensibio AR BB Cream was created for the people with sensitive skin, which are experiencing redness, but it can be used…

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Castigatoare giveaway Bioderma (RO only)

Inainte de a anunta castigatoarea BB Cream-ului Bioderma vreau sa multumesc tuturor pentru complimente si pentru cuvintele frumoase pe care mi le-ati lasat la acea postare. Chiar apreciez comentariile voastre si ma bucura nespus toate, dar nu le-am raspuns pentru a imi mai fi usor la numararea comentariilor pentru giveaway 🙂 Castigatoarea giveaway-ului este nr.4: adica: Felicitari! Nu fiti tristi daca nu ati castigat, va puteti inscrie la concursul de aici unde sunt puse in…

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