
October favorites

I can’t believe how fast time is flying! Hey, only one month until Christmas and this year will end! However, let’s take advantage of every day till then! Here are my October favorites: Nu pot sa cred cat de repede zboara timpul! Mai avem dor o luna si ceva si vine Craciunul, iar anul asta se sfarseste. Totusi, zic sa profitam din plin de fiecare zi ramasa pana atunci si sa ducem la indeplinire cat…

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Avon Mega Effects with maxi efforts (review)

[EN]: Avon Mega Effects is the most innovative mascara I’ve ever used. When I saw for the first time the  brush of this mascara, I was intrigued and I wasn’t pretty sure how to use it. I must admit that I like that the tube is flat, it looks like a highlighter pen. Initially, I didn’t know how to open it and I thought that I will break the wand, but then, after a few…

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Tag: Avon sau Oriflame

Zilele trecute am primit un tag de la prietena mea virtuala, Aurora, careia ii multumesc ca s-a gandit la mine 🙂 E un tag interesant si dupa cum v-ati dat seama din titlu e vorba despre Avon si Oriflame, firmele de cosmetice de la care majoritatea am cumparat primele noastre produse in adolescenta. Tin minte si acum ca strangeam banii cateva saptamani ca sa ne luam diverse produse si parca era sarbatoare in clasa cand…

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