
Weekend movie recommendation: Maleficent

If you follow us on Instagram (Dorina and Cristina) you probably know that last week we attended Maleficent premiere. It was definitely the most anticipated film of the season for us and we counted the days until the release. Luckily we had the opportunity to go to the premiere, cause we could no longer resist. Just joking 😛 We don’t like Angelina Jolie almost at all (yes, we know it’s strange, the whole world adore…

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The Fashion of Maleficent

There are only a few days until „Maleficent” premiere and we’ll tell you that we no longer have patience. We can’t wait to see the wonderful Disney movie that has Angelina Jolie as its protagonist. We aren’t fans of Angelina, but we like the stories and especially the untold ones, with a unique and uncommon approach. But today we won’t speak about the subject of the movie, cause we want to show you the Maleficent…

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Rochiile de la Globurile de Aur 2011

Dupa cum stiti, duminica noaptea s-a desfasurat cea de-a 68-a gala a Globurilor de Aur.Dupa ce am vazut „Black Swan” speram ca Natalie sa primeasca o distinctie pentru acest rol, a jucat perfect, mie mi s-a parut una cu personajul. Pentru categoria „cel mai bun actor” il vedeam castigator pe Johnny Depp (cu toate ca „The Tourist” e un film extrem de slab, mie tot imi place Johnny) , dar se pare ca nu a…

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