Hey Sister! Know the water’s sweet but blood is thicker
Hey Sister! Know the water’s sweet but blood is thicker/Oh! If the sky comes falling down/ For you/ There’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do var zippywww=”70″;var zippyfile=”72878217″;var zippytext=”#000000″;var zippyback=”#e8e8e8″;var zippyplay=”#ff6600″;var zippywidth=750;var zippyauto=false;var zippyvol=80;var zippywave = „#000000”;var zippyborder = „#cccccc”; Don’t be scared by the title, you’re not going to see blood in this post 😛 Just because we like the song „Hey brother / Hey sister” from Avicii, we thought it fits…
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