
Grifid Marea Hotel Golden Sands, Bulgaria

  This summer we finally managed to tick a destination that we wanted to visit for so long but somehow we always left it at the bottom of the list.  Yes, we are talking about Bulgaria and its Golden Sands. It's a location loved by most Romanians and we wanted to see what is with this hype created around it.

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Canadiano Urban Nature Hotel Sao Miguel, Azores

  Our first holiday outside the country after the one in Barcelona (where we were right before the pandemic started) was in the Azores, a holiday that we had been dreaming about for a few years and which we had scheduled with our friends from The Travelling Sisters for over a year and a half. Although we had great emotions until the last minute we arrived there, we managed to visit Sao Miguel , the largest and most populated island in the Portuguese archipelago Azores.

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Olaplex Bond Maintenance {review}

  In urma cu vreo trei ani cand am inceput sa ne vopsim parul am descoperit produsele Olaplex. Am avut noroc sa mergem de prima oara la un salon foarte ok unde foloseau aceste tratamente si atunci am aflat cat de bune sunt. Initial credeam ca este doar marketing, insa diferentele intre vopsitul cu acest tratament si fara el este una uriasa. De fiecare data dupa ce ne-am vopsit fara a folosi Olaplex, parul nostru…

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Top 10 obiective turistice de vizitat în Timișoara

Anul acesta am colindat Romania in lung si in lat si desi si pana acum mergeam destul de des in excursii in tara, anul asta am vizitat mai mult ca niciodata. Saptamana trecuta am profitat de campania Zboara in Tara a celor de la Blue Air si am fost din nou in Timisoara, cu Simy si Ramo de la Surorile Calatoare.  Desi am mai vizitat orasul acum 4 ani, nu am apucat sa vedem prea…

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Gyimesi Skanzen Panzió: a little corner of heaven

De fiecare data cand vizitam un muzeul al satului ne intrebam cum ar fi oare sa locuiesti in acele casute si incercam sa ne imaginam cum a fost viata celor care au stat in ele. In vacanta noastra recenta in Tinutul Secuiesc am avut ocazia sa experimentam traiul sau raiul intr-un muzeu al satului si a fost o experienta minunata pe care nu o sa o uitam prea curand. 11 casute taranesti de o frumusete…

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