
Maybelline lanseaza rujurile Rebel Bouquet, o explozie de culori vibrante

Astazi va aducem o nouate senzationala, mai ales daca sunteti iubitoare de culori vibrante. Maybelline lanseaza si in Romania rujurile Color Sensational Rebel Bouquet, o explozie de nuante puternice de roz, mov sau rosu. In afara de culorile superbe date de pigmentii suprasaturati de culoare, noile rujuri Maybelline contin si nectar de albine, care amplifica senzatia de eleganta.  Rujul Color Sensational Rebel Bouquet este disponibil in Romania in 8 nuante. Prețul recomandat este de 31…

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Beauty UK goodies {review}

Today we have for you a „pink post”: we’ll talk about the Beauty UK cosmetics and we will show you some swatches of the products. Astazi avem pentru voi o postare colorata cu mult roz, asa cum ne place noua. Vom vorbi despre produsele cosmetice de la Beauty UK si va vom arata si swatch-uri ale lor pentru a va face o idee despre acest brand in caz ca nu ati incercat inca nimic de…

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Review: Bioderma Sensibio AR BB Cream

[EN]: I’ve told you on the post with the „July favorites” that I love Bioderma Sensibio AR BB Cream and today I’ll tell you more about it. First of all, this is the first non-Asian BB Cream that I like, because it has the texture and many specific characteristics of an original BB Cream. Sensibio AR BB Cream was created for the people with sensitive skin, which are experiencing redness, but it can be used…

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Lioele Triple the Solution BB Cream review

I have reviewed  Beyond the Solution BB Cream from Lioele a few weeks ago , but now it’s time to introduce you to „his brother”, Triple the Solution 🙂 Lioele Triple the Solution* is actually the Beyond the Solution improved with SPF, but there are also other differences between these two. Packages are very similar, beautiful and attractive, and the tubes with pumps are very practical and hygienic. The texture it’s a little thicker than…

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Lioele Beyond the Solution BB Cream (review)

Cred ca nu mai e nevoie sa mentionez ca sunt o mare fana a BB Cream-urilor asiatice. Am incercat cateva pana acum (inca nu le-am facut review pe blog, dar urmeaza 🙂 si sunt destul de multumita de majoritatea celor pe care le-am incercat. Lioele e printre cele mai cunoscute branduri care produce BB Cream-uri. E un brand infiintat in Korea in 2003, insa intre timp s-a extins in toata lumea si realizeaza atat produse…

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