
Golden Rose lip products {review}

We are tempted to judge the quality of a product by its price and we believe that if a product costs less is automatically bad and if cost much is very good. In most cases, things are not like that and there are many examples that bust this myth. Today we will talk about some products with affordable prices, but very good quality: lip products from Golden Rose. It’s the first time we try Golden…

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Winterlicious Tag+ Romwe XMas Sale

Buna fetelor! Astazi o sa raspund unui tag de iarna primit de la Andreea (My Blueberry Nights), un tag care mi s-a parut foarte dragut. Multumesc Andreea ca mi l-ai oferit 🙂 Hello girls! For today I have a winter tag for you received from Andreea (My Blueberry Nights)! Here are the questions: 1) Oja favorita iarna asta/ Favourite winter nail polish? Chiar cea pe care o port acum: Orly 48702. E asa frumoasa, perfecta…

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